This is Faé

Beyond the pixels

This is Faé

Beyond the pixels

This is Faé

Beyond the pixels

— It’s best to read while listening to Bonobo with me.

Hello 👋!

I’m Cosme Faé, and sometimes people might label me as a UX/UI or Web Designer, I prefer to describe myself simply as a Maker.

I love the idea that my skills enable me to create amazing experiences — going beyond typical design to make something truly impactful.

I’m passionate about minimalism and productivity, principles that guide not just my professional projects but also my personal life.

I share these ideas and my journey towards a simpler lifestyle on my humble YouTube channel.

It's a space where I can openly discuss what it means to live intentionally and minimally.

CrossFit is another passion of mine.

I've been involved in the sport for over six years, participating in competitions and using it to push my physical and mental boundaries.

The discipline and focus I gain from CrossFit are vital to my approach to life and creativity.

From a young age, I've been passionate about technology. Growing up, my father often brought home computers to repair, giving me a unique and early exposure to technology when it was still a rarity in homes. This sparked my curiosity and set me on my tech journey.

A few years ago (2016), I furthered my personal and professional growth by living and studying in Sydney, Australia, for several weeks to enhance my English skills. This experience not only improved my language abilities but also broadened my cultural perspective, fortifying my global outlook as a designer. I have now visited over 22 countries worldwide, including Europe, Latin America, and 80% of Asia.

My family’s history of migration, starting with my great-grandfather's move from Italy to Brazil, has inspired me to be the first in my family to work and travel internationally.
This background motivates me to explore and appreciate new cultures.

Beyond my 9 to 5, I work with developer and marketer friends on small digital projects. These projects are for fun and learning, allowing us to experiment and innovate without constraints.

I’m here to share, learn, and grow.

If you finished this essay about who I really am, consider talking with me to work together. I love people who are more human than pixels ;)

Cosme Faé, with a cup of coffee, sitting on the sofa.
Cosme Faé, with a cup of coffee, sitting on the sofa.
Cosme Faé, with a cup of coffee, sitting on the sofa.

May – 2023